Thursday, April 30, 2009

Birdie N-am N-am :(

This blog needs a New Birth, not necessarily a french, charming one, but a revival !
verdamnte scheisse, zis is Germany and it's swarming with reasons to write.
Damn white screen nausea and clumsiness with words, and the gone, never to let matters die again!

Birdy Nam Nam (which you can also find as 'Birdie') are playing in berlin, precisely when i'm taking wing to Weimar, that is on the 1st of May weekend. Bar 25 will also open its narrow door to hipster-land...and many nasty fumes will fill this city on a swamp. e-nough about berlin, let's be melancolic and try not to desecrate Goethe's gartenhaus out of frustration. but jesus, look at the line-up the size of toilet paper roll at the opening. what i'd like to know is whether kate moss is throwing her own stash in the game or would two or three ibiza puppets have to help her our again. either way, happy sodoma and gomorra mashing up! see you next week :D

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