Monday, May 19, 2008

economy, ecology, bikosophy

i invite you to watch John Burke, president of one of the major bicycles producers in the world, about the need of his industry to pay much more attention on lobbying governments for a bike-friendly world.

bikes can solve what he sees as the main global problems : obesity (in US and W Europe), Traffic congestion, urbanization, and environment deterioration ( cars' emissions= 60 % of air pollution)
what is good for his business is good for everybody. YOU couldn't find a greater way to market anything! some might want to contest it by asking why so much money and energy is wasted on those carbon models, as long as they cannot "save the planet more" than you regular 3 speed aluminum? but then again, complex needs are an inherent part of capitalist logic...... um, and it's too late to do away with capitalism now.

and by the way, did you know that 7 to 20 bikes fit in the parking space of a car? try it!

get you bicycle videos and fluff from here

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